Composition : Amoxycillin 200mg, Clavulanate Potassium 28.5mg (Glass)

Pack : 30 ml

Indications: Lung infection, respiratory infection, ENT and UTI

Composition :Amoxycillin 200mg, Clavulanate 28.5mg (Glass with water)

Pack : 30 ml

Indications: Lungs infection, respiratory infection, ENT & UTI  

Composition :  Cefpodoxime 50mg (Glass)

Pack : 30 ml

Indications:ENT, Bronchitis, Tonsillitis, Sore Throat,UTI

Composition :  Cefpodoxime 50mg (Glass glass with water)

Pack : 30 ml

Indications:ENT, Bronchitis, Tonsillitis, Sore Throat,UTI

Composition :  Cefixime 50mg Glass

Pack : 30 ml

Indications: Typhoid,Lungs infection, respiratory infection, ENT & UTI

Composition : Cefixime 50mg (GLASS with water)

Pack : 30 ml

Indications: Typhoid,Lungs infection, respiratory infection, ENT & UTI


Composition : Cefixime 50mg, Clavulanate 31.25mg (Glass)

Pack : 30 ml

Indications:Bacterial Infection Ear And Nose, Sinusitis, Pharyngitis, Tonsillitis, Bronchitis

Composition :  Cefixime 50mg, Ofloxacin 50mg (Glass)

Pack : 30 ml

Indications: Bacterial infection,ear infections, urinary tract infections

Composition : Cefixime 50mg, Clavulanate 31.25mg (Glass with water)

Pack : 30 ml

Indications: Bacterial infection ear and nose, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis

Composition : Cefixime 50mg, Ofloxacin 50mg (Glass)

Pack : 30 ml

Indications:  Bacterial infection, ear infections, urinary tract infections

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